
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
JAM 50: Batman Day & Apple Arcade
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Cross & JayDimes are back to celebrate 50 episodes of Joystick & Mouse! Diddi is still competing in America's Next Top Podcaster so he is focusing on that while the guys talk about celebrating Batman Day (and Alex's anniversary) and the news of Google competing with Apple Arcade.
Contact Info & Follow: www.joystickandmouse.com

Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
JAM 49: Ex's and Cross's (Ft. Bill from RunJumpStomp)
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Alex and JayDimes are back this week minus Diddi, who is competing in America's Next Top Podcaster! Since they're talking about Nintendo Direct's latest event, they bring Bill, from RunJumpStomp, to share his expertise on the news from the event. They also talk about a striking new controversy around the PlayStation Dual Shock controller. Finally, Alex and JayDimes reminisce about their time playing Gears 5 together.
Follow Bill: www.runjumpstomp.com
Follow Joystick & Mouse: www.joystickandmouse.com
Nintendo Direct: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TVE44feo_I

Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
JAM 48: Gears for Days
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Gears 5 is coming out this week and JayDimes can't wait! The guys also talk about some interesting new character customization features (or lack there of) in Cyberpunk. They also talk about their first response to the news that TellTale is being revived.
Tune in live on Twitch every Monday at 8PM Eastern: twitch.tv/alexalbisu
Email us to chime in on the conversation: joystickandmouse@gmail.com

Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
JAM 47: WoW Classic Recap
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
The dudes do the show live again on Twitch (with some shenanigans included). They talk about how much fun WoW Classic has been, how Nintendo's new Astral Chain might be one of the best new franchises ever, and the plethora of amazing games coming out this fall. They also talk about how Microsoft's new subscription services might benefit streamers.

Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
JAM 46: Pee Makes Mushrooms (ft. Bridget Levi)
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
The guys welcome Bridget Levi (The_Huku) to the conversation! Gamescom 2019 launched this week and had a loaded opening ceremony. They talk about their highlights from the opening ceremony and Bridget shares a game she's currently obsessed with.
Stories: The Path of Destinies: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/stories-the-path-of-destinies?partner=incastmedianetwork
Pair O Docs Podcast: http://pairodocspodcast.libsyn.com
Geek Responsibly: https://geekresponsibly.com

Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
JAM 45: Australia Bans Everything (ft Curley & KingKaz of Drunk Kids Gaming)
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
The guys welcome Curley and KingKaz of Drunk Kids Gaming to join in on the conversation! They talk about the crazy amount of money that people are spending on retro games, how you can finally play as a woman manager in FIFA, and how Australia continues to ban things. They also talk Full Stream Ahead news around Microsoft's potential entry into the mobile gaming market. Curley also brings a game to review and gives it a full 10/10 rating! Join in on the fun!
Subscribe & Contact Us: www.joystickandmouse.com
Check out Curley & KingKaz: http://dkgtv.com
Alex's Episode of dkgWELP: http://dkgtv.com/dkgwelp/index.php/2019/08/12/id-eat-it-for-a-bit/

Monday Aug 05, 2019
JAM 44: Ninja Leaves Twitch, JAM Stays
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Monday Aug 05, 2019
The guys are streaming live again on Twitch! Tune in live http://www.twitch.tv/alexalbisu
First up, they discuss the absurd amount of money that Ninja made on Twitch and his decision to leave for Mixer, then they talk about the exciting new expansion for No Man's Sky, and then the impending WoW Classic stress test starting on August 8th. Finally, they end with some Full Stream Ahead news about Google's cloud game developer platform.
Subscribe and chime in on the discussion: www.joystickandmouse.com

Monday Jul 29, 2019
JAM 43: Live on Twitch, Shenanigans Included
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Monday Jul 29, 2019
First of all, pardon some of the sound quality issues. We recorded a new episode live on Twitch over at twitch.tv/alexalbisu. It was a ton of fun having a live conversation and chat input. Stay tuned for when we record live next!
Shenanigans aside, the guys talked about Nintendo swapping out bad Joy Cons, the Fortnite World Cup, and micro transactions in Wolfenstein: Young Bloods. They also talk about what happens to your video games if Stadia fails.
Subscribe and chime in on the conversation: www.joystickandmouse.com

Monday Jul 22, 2019
JAM 42: Colors of the Joy Con Rainbow (Ft. TheJen from Geek Grills)
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Monday Jul 22, 2019
The guys not only welcome back JayDimes from his time away, but they also have guest "TheJen" on to talk about the latest in video game news. They talk about how much Diddi loves the new Nintendo Switch Joy Con colors (insert sarcasm here), the latest set of rules for queueing in Overwatch that has caused quite a stir in the community, and how long it takes to participate in the Gears of War 5 beta.
They also dive into some "Full Stream Ahead" news, highlighting major topics around Nintendo's potential leap into the streaming game and how Stadia will be offering "free" games. Sort of.
Subscribe here: www.joystickandmouse.com
Check out TheJen's content...
Geek Grills: http://geekgrills.com/wp/
TheJen's Twitch Page: https://www.twitch.tv/thejenplays
News Stories:
New Switch Joy-Con Colors: https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/07/17/check-out-nintendo-switchs-pretty-new-joy-con-colors?fbclid=IwAR3__Ytu4JSlj5NFiczzu-XfBBIkBUtGhwST4bnWGSeNUchvXJ4ati54acM
Opinion Piece: Overwatch Roles: https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/07/19/opinion-overwatchs-new-role-queue-system-benefits-no-one
Free Games with Stadia Pro: https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/07/19/google-stadia-will-offer-roughly-one-free-game-per-month
Nintendo investor call hints at Nintendo streaming service: https://www.techspot.com/news/80827-nintendo-promises-keep-up-game-streaming-wars.html

Monday Jul 15, 2019
JAM 41: Lite Switch's and League Haters (ft. Bill from Run Jump Stomp)
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Alex (Cross) and Don (Diddi) are minus Tim again this week, but they have big Nintendo news. So who do they call? Bill from Run Jump Stomp of course! The Nintendo Switch Lite is here and they recap some of the news around the announcement and their overall feelings about the new console. They also talk about a potential new Lord of the Rings MMO and some drama over the a Kentucky school and League of Legends.
Contact us and subscribe: www.joystickandmouse.com
Check out Bill's work: www.runjumpstomp.com
Nintendo Switch Lite: https://runjumpstomp.com/2019/07/10/nintendo-introduces-nintendo-switch-lite-a-device-dedicated-to-handheld-game-play/
Amazon LotR MMO: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/07/11/tech/amazon-lord-rings-game-trnd/index.html
Kentucky school board limits LoL use in esports compitition: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.kentucky.com/news/local/education/article232502437.html