
Friday Jun 18, 2021
E3 2021
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Friday Jun 18, 2021
It's all E3 this week and there's lots to get through. The guys get together and discuss what was great and what was just meh about the annual entertainment event on this episode of Joystick and Mouse.

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
I Accuse The Chicken Nugget
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
We open the door, throw the chicken nugget out the air lock and break down another useless but fun list as well as being thankful for the 5G nanobots that we were injected with on this episode of Joystick and Mouse.

Monday May 31, 2021
Game Studies 101 - Interview with Dominic Myers
Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
We're doing something a little different this week! Alex interviews a video game scholar, Dominic Myers, better known as GameStudies101 on TikTok. Dominic shares enlightening perspectives on video games; from the ways we build relationships with characters in video games, the state of the indie gaming industry, and how there is a budding scholastic focus on the ways video games affect people's lives.
Check out Dominic's TikTok page: https://www.tiktok.com/@gamestudies101?lang=en
Website: http://www.JoystickandMouse.com
Get Discounts on Video Games with Green Man Gaming: https://bit.ly/3aWZRsk

Wednesday May 26, 2021
Epic VS Apple
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! Well that's what Epic is saying as final arguments concluded in the court case between them and Apple. We break down what has been revealed and what it could mean for the future of video games as well as talking about a 9 ft victorian hottie on this episode of Joystick and Mouse.

Thursday Apr 29, 2021
And the Oscar goes to ...
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
And the oscar goes to ... a video game company? how did THAT happen? You know we love a list to dissect but this one just was like throwing out angry gamer bait. We take a look at Yahoo's top 30 video games of all time and tell them why they are wrong. That along with Sony trying to keep up with the Jones's on this episode of Joystick and Mouse.

Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
How old is too old?
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Ahh, Sony is being Sony again and usually that's not a good thing, but in this case, a lot of people are quite happy. With their announcement about leaving old game system store open it begs the question ... who cares? Today we take on the topic of old game systems and their life expectancy and how old is too old as well as something new on this episode of Joystick and Mouse.

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Cheating In Video Games
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Tonight we take on the topic of cheating in video games. Is it ok? and if so when? What constitutes cheating and would any of us do it? That and does cloud gaming eliminate cheating on this episode of Joystick and Mouse.

Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Is Microsoft Buying Discord
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
The guys get together to talk about the possible acquisition of the popular gamer chat platform Discord by Microsoft. What does this mean for the platform and the Discord community? We break it down on this episode.

Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Social Aspect of Video Games
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
We have tangents with a capital T on this episode. Join the guys as they discuss how video games have helped us stay socially connected during the pandemic. We also discuss intern dresses and how somebody hasn't seen The Godfather 2. All that and a review of the soon to be released game "Outriders" on Joystick and Mouse.

Monday Mar 15, 2021
How Do We Get Our Games Now?
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
With the plethora of Video Game company acquisitions taking place lately it begs the question. How will we get our video games in the near future and what will they and the distribution of them look like. That topic and what is Gish on this episode of Joystick and Mouse.